Awards & Recognition
FUCHS|RICHTER awards: Globalance «Best private bank for 2023»
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- Investments

The FUCHS|RICHTER auditing body has named Globalance the “Best Bank in Switzerland” for the third time in a row and, for the first time, the overall winner in the German-speaking region.
Great honour at the Private Banking Summit in Stuttgart. In the multi-stage wealth manager test for 2023, Globalance achieved the top result of over 70 private banks with 91 points. This not only makes it the best Swiss institution by a large margin and for the third time in a row, but it was also named the overall winner in the German-speaking region at the same time.
The mystery shoppers wanted to know “who can do megatrends?”. During their visits, they mentioned the desire for future-oriented investments that could have a positive impact. The focus was on solutions that take into account demographic change, new developments from the health sector or new technologies in alternative energy. They were also open to start-ups, young companies or private equity. And of course, sustainability had to play an important role in the 1.5 million portfolio and with an investment horizon of at least ten years.
“We are very pleased that we were rated particularly well on these criteria because they are deeply anchored in Globalance’s philosophy,” said Niklaus Haller, our Head of Clients and Member of the Executive Board, who had the pleasure of accepting the two top prizes at the event in Stuttgart together with Gabriel Hansmann from our impact research team. “After several top rankings, it is a great pleasure that it was enough for the overall victory this year.”
The jury’s assessment:
It is a premiere: for the first time in the 20-year history of our market tests in private banking, a Swiss bank, Globalance Bank, comes out on top. It comes as no surprise that this is a boutique with a clear product focus and a visionary advisory approach. The team around bank founder Reto Ringger, a pioneer of the sustainability movement in the financial sector, has been fully committed to their topic from the very beginning and without any typical Swiss legacy (“tax optimisation”): Identifying future trends, showing their impact transparently to the client and making the advisors involved partners: This is how they create not only an optimal advisory process, but also a highly motivated team that provides the client with an excellent advisory experience and presents a distinctly coherent investment solution for “megatrends”.
In all five categories, the Swiss, who have always been among the top providers in previous years, present themselves with outstanding performance: starting with an advisory meeting with which the client is extremely satisfied, an investment proposal that also makes the client’s heart beat faster, a convincing investment competence, a brilliant presentation of the investment concept in the final decision in front of the expert jury (Beauty Contest), and ending with an unusually high level of transparency for a Swiss bank. In short: Very good in four disciplines, good in one – that’s what we call a “top provider”.
The best private banks in Switzerland:
- Globalance Bank (91 points)
- Credit Suisse Private Banking (48 points)
- Bank Vontobel (43 points)
- Banque Privée Edmond de Rothschild (40 points)
- Societe Générale Private Banking (Suisse) (39 points)
The test authority gave many Swiss providers only mediocre marks. The quality of advice was apparently not the problem. However, the testers point to a need to catch up in transparency as well as a high degree of standardisation in investment proposals.
The best private banks in German-speaking countries:
- Globalance Bank (91 points)
- Schelhammer Capital (89 points)
- Bankhaus Carl Spängler & Co. (85 points)
- Liechtensteinische Landesbank Austria (85 points)
- Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe Privatbank (84 points)