Awards & Recognition

«Grandmaster» for the 3rd time

  • Beratung
  • Bilanz Rating
  • Investments

For the third time in a row, Globalance Bank has been recognised as a leading provider of future-oriented investments by the renowned FUCHS | RICHTER testing institute. The bank is and remains the benchmark for the industry, not least because of its clear focus on future-proof portfolios and its comprehensive client communication.

With this award, we at Globalance have once again demonstrated our credibility and pioneering role in the area of future-oriented asset management. Our clients appreciate our transparent and understandable communication and our clear focus on future-oriented portfolios. Transparency is a decisive factor for us when it comes to sustainable investment. For this reason, we were the first bank in Switzerland to publish the key climate figures for all client assets under management in accordance with the Swiss Climate Scores (SCS) standard last year. This enables us to provide credible accountability and provide clients with a complete overview. Fuchsbriefe commented on the renewed award:

«The jury praises Globalance for its comprehensive and forward-looking measures, which are considered exemplary for the industry. Globalance Bank retains its status as a ‘grand master’ in sustainability in private banking and remains the benchmark for the industry.»

The assessment is based on a detailed catalogue of criteria that covers ten aspects in order to comprehensively assess the quality of the audited providers. The focus on sustainability throughout the company and employee training and development are weighted particularly heavily (15% each). Other important categories, each with a weighting of 10%, are the analysis of customer needs, the consideration of sustainability in the advice given, its integration into the investment process and the diversity of the product range. Consideration of individual client wishes and respect for the client’s value system are also included in the assessment with 7.5% each. The integration of external expertise is rated at 5%.

Niklaus Haller, member of the Executive Board and Head of Clients: ‘The top rating for the third year in a row confirms that our focus on future-oriented topics with a positive footprint is inspiring, credible and successful. Through clear communication, convincing visualisation, individualisation and the use of new technologies, we create a unique customer experience and strengthen identification with Globalance.’

Want to gain deeper insights and understand what’s behind this award? Read the full report for detailed information and analyses of the audit body.