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Our latest issue: «Is Switzerland a Futuremover?»

Switzerland has always been synonymous with stability, precision and innovation. But how forward-looking is our small but influential country really? In this issue, we focus on the key areas of technology, economic structure, education and the environment in order to determine whether and how Switzerland can maintain its leadership position in the future.


Key Topics

These and other exciting articles and interviews are featured in this issue.

Education System

The Swiss education system has a worldwide reputation of being a prime example of excellence and innovative strength. What does it need to also be prepared for the future?

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Digital Infrastructure

The digital infrastructure is at the heart of our increasingly digitised world — it is what makes innovation possible in the first place. How evolved is Switzerland?

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Switzerland has achieved a great deal in recent years, particularly with heating systems. But our footprint remains gigantic. What challenges need to be mastered?

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Creating an economic environment for the future and for the long term requires good planning and a government-backed framework. Is Switzerland prepared?

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How Well Prepared Is Switzerland for the Future?

Switzerland has an impressive track record in developing and implementing new technologies. From the first mechanical clock to the latest medical technologies – Swiss ingenuity has inspired the world time and again. Today, our research centres and start-ups are pioneers in areas such as artificial intelligence, blockchain and biotechnology. But how can we secure this leading edge in an increasingly digitised world?

In view of it having one of the highest per capita incomes in the world and a diverse economic landscape ranging from traditional industries to high-tech companies, Switzerland is also an impressive example of economic success and resilience. But are our economic structures agile enough to remain competitive in the future?

How Switzerland Shaped the Future

Our retrospective reveals that on a small scale, we have always contributed a great deal to steady progress.

What Do Young People Expect from Switzerland?

Young people have high expectations regarding social justice, sustainability and education — and at the same time take responsibility for their future. But who exactly is Switzerland’s youth?

Swiss Futuremovers in the World

About 10 per cent of the Swiss population lives abroad. Some of them have made it to the top of major companies, others are working on the challenges of our time. What they all have in common is that they are helping to shape the future of our world.

Swiss Futuremovers in Focus

Interesting personalities from science, business and culture.

Jessica Farda

Cleverly packaged: Jessica Farda developed a bioplastic film made of seaweed with her start-up Noriware.

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Christoph Gebald

Filtering CO2 from the air: Christoph Gebald is working on a solution to the most pressing problem of our time: climate change.

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Olaf Breuning

Art with humour: Olaf Breuning is one of the few Swiss artists to enjoy international acclaim.

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More Futuremover issues

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