Move more than money

We invest your assets in future-oriented companies and investment opportunities with a positive footprint. For our planet, for our children, for our future.

The future of investing

Globalance World

Discover Google Earth – a digital globe – for investors and see the future viability and sustainability of your investments.

Bertrand piccard

„Solutions exist that are
logical more than just
ecological, that can
create jobs and generate profit while also reducing polluting emissions and preserving
natural resources.“

The Globalance Team

We move the world of finance

The Globalance story

We have been pioneers for over 25 years: In 1995, we founded the world’s first sustainable asset management company SAM (Sustainable Asset Management) and established the Sustainability Index with Dow Jones, thus setting a benchmark. In 2011 we founded Globalance Bank and launched Globalance World in 2020.

Foundation of SAM Group

25 years ago, when “sustainability” was still a new word in the financial market, our founders started a revolution by founding SAM (“Sustainable Asset Management”), the world’s first asset manager for sustainable investments.

World’s first sustainable fund

In 1997, our founders launched the world’s first investment fund with a focus on sustainability, the “Sustainable Performance Group Fund”.

Dow Jones Sustainability Index

In cooperation with Dow Jones, our founders set another milestone: the “Dow Jones Sustainability Index”. Today, it is one of the world’s most widely used benchmarks for sustainable investments.

World’s first fund on the
water theme

Our founders launched the “SAM Sustainable Water Fund”,
which for the first time invests in companies that offer solutions for global water issues.

The world’s first cleantech fund

The “SAM Sustainable Water Fund” is followed by the “SAM Private Equity Fund”, making it the first cleantech fund in financial history to invest in sustainability.

The first climate fund in the year

The “SAM Sustainable Climate Fund” is launched. The fund’s concept focuses on companies that offer new and innovative solutions to the global challenge of climate change.

Successful sale of the SAM Group

The Dutch asset manager Robeco takes over the rapidly growing SAM Group and continues the success story launched in 1995. SAM becomes RobecoSAM.

Foundation of Globalance Bank

The founders of SAM continue their vision and establish Globalance Bank. The focus is no longer on institutional investors, but on private clients, families and foundations who want to invest their assets in a sustainable and future-oriented manner.

Globalance launches the Globalance Footprint®

We launched a world first with our unique Globalance Footprint®. With the help of the Footprint® methodology, investors can easily track the impact of their investments on the economy, society and the environment. Globalance is the first bank in the world to offer this transparency to its clients.

Expansion into Germany

Globalance expands into Germany and founds Globalance Invest Deutschland, headquartered in Munich. As the first asset manager with a focus on sustainability, Globalance now also offers its entire range of services to private clients, foundations and families in Germany.

Overall winner Globalance Bank

Globalance is the overall winner in the BILANZ Private Banking Rating 2019. Future-oriented investment strategies, entrepreneurship, digital innovations such as the Globalance Footprint® and above-average customer service characterize us.

World first: Google Earth for investors

Globalance launches a world first with Globalance World. For the first time, investors can view the future viability and sustainability of their investments in a simple and easy-to-understand way. Digitally, in real time and visually presented.


Globalance World Launch Speech

Discover new perspectives for your wealth.

Globalance World

Google Earth for Investors